About Us

Hey Beautiful!

Welcome to Dot Boxx! You'll find very quickly that we're not your average period box.

Allow me to virtually introduce myself, I'm Shonna, the girl who started this bright and colorful movement of pampered periods and snack packs; and the person who packs your boxes monthly and send love notes ever so often (yes, every girl needs a reminder of how awesome she is and I'm honored to be the person to remind you). 

Here's how Dot Boxx began. My daughter started her period the summer of 2016. I did a little online research to find gift ideas for this special milestone and discovered subscription boxes. I ordered a First Period Box and when it arrived she was SOOOO excited. We sat on her bed and did a grand unboxing. Of course as a 11 year old she was excited to just get mail; as the mother who paid for it, watching her reveal miniature chocolate kisses and tootsie rolls left me questioning my purchase decision. 

Of course she begged to continue receiving the box, but it was not a monthly expense I could spare. We eventually made a deal and agreed to keep the boxes coming if she maintained her A/B honor roll status and completed her chores without reminders. 

What my little lady didn't know was that I was recycling the box (always reminding her to open it carefully) every month. I curated products and snacks myself and left the box on the front step as I left for work. She began telling her friends about this box; her friends began subscribing to the box, and then the moms began subscribing. 

After four months I had to come clean because she and her friends were obviously not receiving the same items and they actually liked what she was receiving more. When I unveiled my shenanigans she thought the gesture was very thoughtful and hilarious. Her conclusion, "Mom, you should really start a box - like really!" The next day I pondered on the idea, wondering if I could curate a box monthly on top of working a full-time job, juggling volleyball practice and games for her; football and basketball practice and games for her brother; PLUS, I was about to begin my Masters studies online.

Needless to say, I took the leap. On February 27, 2017 I once again crowned myself a mompreneur. We had a "name that box" contest at dinner, my oldest son came up with Dot Boxx, and the journey began!

Here's a few fun facts, or we'll just call them answers to questions I've received the most over time. I am often asked if the extra x in boxx means anything; between us, it’s only there because the domain for dotbox.com was taken... so I added an extra x. It was not only available, but cheaper, so I snagged it! Moral of the story, you can’t stop a woman with a plan. Whatever you have to do to start your dream or keep it alive, bend a little to get it done!

I'm also asked why we don't have fancy-smancy custom boxes. Here's the scoop, I am a pure minimalist... Plain Jane and Basic Betty; plus brown is my favorite color. So, the plain kraft box is SO me. The salutation sticker greets you with a loud southern “Hey!" which is also SO me  my kids say I'm loud and country ― and also embarrassing. I added beautiful because what woman doesn't like to be called beautiful ― even when she's not at her best.  

I am a REAL person. I totally understand working 10-12 hours days then hauling kids to practice 3-4 days a week. I trip over my shoes because I was too tired to pick them up. I lose my keys at least 3 times a day (2 of the 3 times they're in my pocket). I'm afraid of thunderstorms but pretend to be brave for my kids. I run the faucet in the bathroom sink when I need a good, discreet, ugly cry. I say a few choice words when I pay a bill and the new comes in the mail the VERY next day ― like really, I just paid this #%*!

They say when you love what you do, it shows. I enjoy the relationships with our squad when you feel comfortable enough to message or email me to vent about teenagers, work or even ask me which outfit looks best for your first date in 6 years (I actually enjoy this part of the box the most!). I check on you when you let me know you're ill or having surgery, I congratulate your wins, commend you on your peaks and empathize when you fall. We're in this together girl! 

I do not take you allowing us to be of service to you lightly... EVER. If you work as hard for your money as I do every penny counts. I curate every box as if I'm sending a care package to a friend. Will every box be perfect every time ― maybe not ― but you can believe I tried. I'm human and will never claim to be perfect. So I ask that you remember this if something is ever off about your box. You're emailing a person (with feelings) who didn't intentionally goof on your purchase. If something goes wrong we always own it AND fix it. 

Every box is sprinkled with good vibes, picked up by Ronnie (the best USPS courier EVER), and sent off to you with a smile (and crinkle paper in my hair). In closing, thanks so much for being a part of our journey. You are truly appreciated! 

Proud Woman-Owned Small Business ❤️
